Friday, April 23, 2010

Jamie Spears Banned Britney From Leaving Home Without Proper Undergarments

Jamie Spears has legal control over all of his daughter's affairs and now insists she can only set foot out the door if her lady lumps are adequately supported, apparently.

The 57-year-old is even prepared to fire a security guard who's let the pop starlet be papped with her puppies hanging free.

"He hates the pictures of her with her nipples all over the place so he has banned her from leaving the house without a bra," reveals a mole.

"He wants her to put across the right impression," the source adds to The Sun.

It's not just her boobs Jamie should be concerned with, though - earlier this month his daughter nearly let the world see a whole lot more (wouldn't be the first time, mind) when she ventured out with her flies undone.

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