Wednesday, March 3, 2010

CleanTech Park at Nanyang Avenue, Singapore - - Master Plan Unveiled by JTC Corporation and the Economic Development Board

JTC Corporation and the Economic Development Board jointly unveiled the master plan for the 50 hectare CleanTech Park at Nanyang Avenue. This development will push the boundaries of green sustainability, serving as a large-scale integrated “living laboratory” for test bedding and demonstration of system-level clean technology solutions. Once completed, the business park will house a working population of 20,000.

The developed is a part of the $1 billion Singapore Sustainable Blueprint announced last year. The development of CleanTech Park will be carried out in 3 phases over 20 years. Phase 1 will commence in July 2010, starting with the development of the infrastructure within CleanTech Park. When completed, Phase 1 will provide approximately 17 ha of business park land.

CleanTech Park will be located on a large contiguous greenfield site. It has a natural undulating terrain and matured lush greenery with natural streams running through it. In drawing up the masterplan, a strong emphasis has been placed on finding a long term sustainable balance between the development’s commercial needs and the site’s natural biodiversity.

The Singapore government is committed to growing the cleantech industry as a key cluster which is expected to contribute some S$3.4 billion to Singapore’s GDP and employ 18,000 people by 2015. CleanTech Park is poised to boost Singapore’s leadership position as an innovative CleanTech hub for global markets.

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