Thursday, January 14, 2010

German Fleshmob - - Protesters in Germany Against Full Body Scanners at EU Airports

This German fleshmob may be the first of it’s kind. Or the first of it’s kind caught on video in the wild. Protesters in Germany banded together to fight the tyranny that is full body scanners at EU airports.

The Pirate Party in Germany organized this stunt and, in my opinion, it is a rousing success. Protesters stripped down to their unmentionables and painted clever slogans on their back in German. The German fleshmob then proceeded to walk around and take pictures.

The German fleshmob has shown us protesting done right. In the future I demand that all protesters be in their underwear!

"One woman has the word “diaper” scrawled on her lower back with an arrow pointing to her underwear and the word “prosthetic” printed on her leg. The word “piercing” and an arrow point to one of her breasts. Another woman dressed in a beige sweater and flesh-colored tights wears a sign reading “pixelated.” (To address privacy concerns, security officials say the scanners can be programed to produce a blurred, pixelated image of passengers to protect their modesty.)"

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