Saturday, March 27, 2010

"AirPower": New Energy System Developed by RCA - - The System Absorbs Power From Increasingly Ubiquitous Wi-Fi Signals

A new technology developed by RCA could end the woes of all those individuals who are often looking for ways to keep their cellphones buzzing. The company initially developed a technology as an emergency power supply, but little modifications could enable it to keep cellphones charger without ever being plugged in to the wall socket.

Dubbed AirPower, the system absorbs power from increasingly ubiquitous Wi-Fi signals. The first products will be the AirPower chargers, which are planned to be available by the holidays. These little devices will be able to convert residual power from any Wi-Fi signals to recharge its internal battery. Once charged, the device will be able to recharge conventional handheld devices.

The company explains that the AirPower system works by converting the 2.4GHz Wi-Fi signals into electricity, which can later be used to recharge portable electronic devices.

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