The Photosimile 5000 is billed as the world’s first office photography machine, but they should also have tagged it the ‘most expensive’ light box in the universe. Sure it’s got cool remote PC controlled camera positioning in two axis, zoom and tilt, turntable, controllable lighting and cool software which will output Flash, 360 degree and watermarked images. But good grief, is that worth $18,999.00? Answers on a piece of white card with some string and halogen lights please.

Place items in the light box * Use Photosimile software to: * ‘Preview’ items on your monitor screen in real time * Set camera position and tilt angle * Compose pictures with Zoom and Crop commands (Advanced camera controls are also available for Aperture, Shutter Speed, White Balance and more) * Click Snap * Pictures are automatically sent from camera to PC via USB for viewing, annotation, editing, sending and batch saving. Images can be sent via email. Recipients can download free viewing software with expressive collaboration features.

Place items in the light box * Use Photosimile software to: * ‘Preview’ items on your monitor screen in real time * Set camera position and tilt angle * Compose pictures with Zoom and Crop commands (Advanced camera controls are also available for Aperture, Shutter Speed, White Balance and more) * Click Snap * Pictures are automatically sent from camera to PC via USB for viewing, annotation, editing, sending and batch saving. Images can be sent via email. Recipients can download free viewing software with expressive collaboration features.
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