Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bad, Worse and Now The Worst - - T-Mobile Staff Allegedly Sold Personal Data of Customers

The bad publicity surrounding T-Mobile appears to be never ending. Barely a month after customers made complaints for having lost contacts, photos, and calendar entries, on T-Mobile’s Sidekick devices, thousands more suffered difficulty while making voice calls and sending text messages. The bad news for T-Mobile was only just beginning; it has just been announced that staff at the company sold personal data of thousands of customers to third parties.

Staff at the UK company sold millions of personal records of customers to third parties without the knowledge of the company. The breach was made apparent when these customers were then informed, by the third parties, that their contracts were about to expire. According to Christopher Graham, UK’s Information Commissioner, this is the biggest breach of the kind by far and the employees responsible for selling the records would be prosecuted.

The news comes at a time when T-Mobile is attempting to merge with Orange; if the merge went on as planned it would land T-Mobile with a bigger market portion than O2 and Vodafone. Meanwhile, the T-Mobile employees who committed the breach have been identified and could face nearly $10,000 in fines.

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