Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Shoes with GPS and Bluetooth From Isaac Daniel Compass and Blue GPS

Well, I suppose it was about time that someone made a shoe with GPS and Bluetooth compatibility. I’m just surprised that it wasn’t Nike. No, the Isaac Daniel Compass and Blue GPS shoes are most likely a first for the shoe industry, and I’m certain they won’t be the only company with a Blue GPS shoe after a while.

Now, you may ask yourself: why would I want a shoe that is Bluetooth and GPS enabled? Well, if that shoe is linked to your phone via Bluetooth, it can use its GPS functionality to let everyone know where you are. That is, if you are willing to let your friends track you online. I suppose you could use these shoes to track people who tend to wander out of their safe zones, like the elderly or small children (assuming their little feet would fit in these shoes).

In all honesty, I’m really not famous enough to have anyone want to track me by my longitude and latitude. I’m guessing the people who are famous enough to have anyone care about their every movement probably have their own paparazzi following them around anyway. In that case, they probably wouldn’t want their movements to be tracked. Ah, don’t you just love the society we live in?

You can pre-order a pair of these Bluetooth and GPS enabled shoes on the Isaac Daniel Website for just $150.

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