Wednesday, September 2, 2009

RH-VWX12C from Sanyo - - Large-capacity Humidifier With “Virus Washer” Technology

Fresh clean air is hard to come by nowadays specially with all the industrialization, pollution, hard city living and all of those ugly environmental stuff. Add those up with threats of airborne viruses and bacteria and you’ll wish you were part of a marine aquatic breathing species. Before you apply for a one way ticket to Atlantis and plea with King Namor to take you in, consider first Sanyo’s Large-capacity Humidifier RH-VWX12C with “virus washer” technology. Using the power of humidifying filter with electrolyzed water, this new gadget can eliminate airborne bacteria, suppress viruses and allergens and even remove bad odor in the air.

Basically this device is one hi-tech air filter and humidifier that can remove almost all air impurities, leaving only fresh clean air that is easy to breathe. The RH-VWX12C is fast and powerful enough to easily cover huge areas up to 54 m2 at a rate of 1,200 ml / hour. This makes it ideal for large spaces and high traffic locations. Clean air needs not to be expensive that’s why Sanyo integrated energy and money saving technology in this model including DC inverter
motor, heater-less humidification and long lasting humidifying filter. During a cold weather, this humidifier can warm the room with its ceramic fan heaters with a wide range of operating modes.

If you are looking forward for a pure, clean and crisp air indoors, you will be one step closer by using this latest humidifier and other models from Sanyo.

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