Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Video Collection: SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket's Successful Liftoff from Cape Canaveral Space Station

Pioneering a new era in private space flight, the US company SpaceX on Tuesday became the first commercial company to launch its own spacecraft toward the International Space Station (ISS).

SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket's Successful Liftoff from Cape Canaveral Space Station
SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket liftedoff early Tuesday, at about 3:44 a.m. EDT, carrying a reusable cargo capsule ‘Dragon’ filled with a load of supplies for the International Space Station (ISS). 

"Three, two, one and launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, as NASA turns to the private sector to resupply the International Space Station," said NASA commentator George Diller, as the spacecraft blasted off at 3:44 am (0744 GMT).

Contrary to Saturday’s aborted liftoff, all of nine engines of the Falcon 9 rocket kept firing all the way through liftoff this time. A faulty valve of engine 5 was replaced on Sunday by SapceX engineers.

Read Saturday's story of Falcon 9 Failed Launch, HERE.

The test flight of the Dragon space capsule, which launched atop SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket, aims to show that commercial industry can restore US access to the ISS after NASA retired its space shuttle fleet last year.

The real test comes Thursday when the Dragon reaches the surroundings of the International Space Station (ISS). It will undergo practice maneuvers from more than a mile out. If all goes well, the docking will occur on Friday (May 25).

Watch exciting videos of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 liftoff carrying Dragon Cargo Capsule:

SOURCE: http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/space/story/2012-05-22/SpaceX-rocket-space-station/55126570/1

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