Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fish Finder With Sonar Sensor - - Revelutionized Fishing Experience for Fishing Lovers

Fish finders aren’t just for boaters. What about people who fish off wharves and jetties, they need help finding fish too. Well Chinavasion is here to help with this cheap-and-cheerful, land-lubber friendly fish finder with sonar sensor. The 9m lead will let you dangle the sonde from most fishing vantage points and it works in water temperatures of -20°C up to 70°C so it’ll work for ice fishing too. Needs 4 AAA batteries. ~US$40

This really cool fishing gadget has revelutionized fishing entirely for millions of people world wide. Did you ever spend hours at a river bed, or a lake side just waiting to catch a fish and nothing happens, then you go home empty handed? Well, with the Fish Finder, you won’t have to spend countless hours, just waiting.

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