Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"Saucer" UFO-Inspired Future Car Designed By John Bukasa - - Will Take You to Your Destination While You Sleeping Without Actually Steering It

Have You ever dream of leaving the steering wheel free when you drive? Ever imagined you can actually sleep when your car drives itself?

It may look too ridiculous to be true, but it is what exactly the Saucer aims at. If you are the kind hoping for a quick nap in the office bus and cannot afford it, or do not have a chauffeur to drive you home safely, Saucer is the answer. Saucer, is a self-driven vehicle concept that has a single bed arrangement within it. It means, the driver can actually not bother to drive, but lie down and doze off in bliss while the vehicle does the job of taking him or her to the right destination.

It is an innovative brainwave targeted mainly at people who work away at night and end up with near fatal errors while catching that extra wink of sleep. It is mainly useful for those who need to travel a long way home from workplace. Saucer’s soundproof interior has the right program to for self-drive the vehicle.

Saucer Vehicle by John BukasaSaucer Car Front ViewBesides a good sleep rest, the vehicle allows you to lie back and distress with a newspaper or magazine. Its backside has a baggage compartment you can store your suitcase and other work paraphernalia in.

Saucer, as the design by John Bukasa shows, is inspired by UFOs.

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