Wednesday, October 21, 2009

PS3 Motion Controller by Miguel Duarte - - Conceptual Variation of Sony’s Magic Wand

Concept designers can give us real treat at times. Case in point is this PS3 Motion Controller by Miguel Duarte. Sony may be working on the Motion sensing Magic Wand controller for PS3, but Miguel with his interesting concept has made us believe the lines we can expect the Magic Wand to be made in, hope that isn’t pushed much?

A cool variation of the PS3 Wand controller, this PS3 Motion Controller concept is a similar handheld device like we have seen the PS3 Wand controller to be in the demonstration videos, but the difference is in the size. The Motion Controller is slightly smaller than the actual Wand, but comes with an adaptor to allow two users toonnect two Magic Wands together to create a full PS3 controller similar to the dual shock controller we’ve all so embraced.

There isn’t much on the technical or design specs that we could judge this Controller concept on, but the sleek looks, vibrant color and curve features of the device actually gel well with Sony image, for which the concept’s actually been done. Also a practical design, but let’s wait and see what Sony’s getting us in the real Magic Wand.

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