Monday, October 19, 2009

Philips Emotions Jacket - - Brings Cinematic Scenes to Life

Over the years there have been so many technological advancements that have made TV viewing experience more exciting every time. Because we tend to reflect upon the intense emotions felt by the characters onscreen, Philips with the introduction of an Emotions Jacket is out to flirt with this feel, making it more vivid and real for us – thus, extending on the cinematic experience, taking it to all new level.

Based on the sense of touch, the Philips Emotions Jacket brings cinematic scenes to life, enhancing in real life the experience of how we see or hear TV and playing scenes. The Jacket is a tightly fitting garment with a series of evenly-spaced actuators fitted within, which are like those used in mobile phone vibrators. Activation of these actuators creates the feelings of experience what the character onscreen is feeling. It may not be as fierce as feeling a kick or a punch from an action sequence, but is good to experience the emotions – like fear, excitement etc.

Now, because these emotions we’ll feel with the Emotions Jacket are going to be pulsating just like what the characters on the screen are feeling, it may just be difficult to watch those horror and comic films – they are going to kill with those senses. One question though – are you set to feel the pleasure from those x-rated movies?

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