The Ion Tape Express claims to make it Dummies Guide easy to transfer your golden oldie retro tape sounds from deteriorating cassettes to shiny perfect digital format. Of course we know there’s a lot more to it than just moving sounds from A to B. There’s the mood of it, the atmosphere, the need to put on those flares and stacked heels just one more time. Anyhoo, for some strange reason this beast is portable, so take it round to grannies and have a blast with her Tom Jones stuff (who!?). £49.95.
Compatible with all kinds of audio tape – from normal to chrome, C60 to C120 – this compact gizmo will slip into almost any pocket or bag. You can even hang it off your belt when you’re down the roller disco. Yes, its slightly retro styling may cause friends to point and laugh, but the joke will most definitely be on them when you plug it into the nearest computer and start converting Learn German in Three Weeks. Ooh, ja!
Compatible with all kinds of audio tape – from normal to chrome, C60 to C120 – this compact gizmo will slip into almost any pocket or bag. You can even hang it off your belt when you’re down the roller disco. Yes, its slightly retro styling may cause friends to point and laugh, but the joke will most definitely be on them when you plug it into the nearest computer and start converting Learn German in Three Weeks. Ooh, ja!
superb product!! from where can I purchase it in Pakistan?
ione tape express plus...superb product!!
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