Sunday, August 9, 2009


There is a very cool bit of news that we need to share with you fellas. The Harrisons, which includes Bill, Amarins and their three daughters aged 3, 4 and 6 are on their way to Alaska on a quint bicycle. This one is a 14.5-ft. long two-wheeler that has driven these folks hailing from Renfro Valley in Kentucky to go on this wonderful adventure.

The only supplies that the Harrisons have with them are the stuff they can carry on the bicycle which also includes a tent. But recently they had a stopover at the Oneida Guest House to celebrate the couple’s wedding anniversary.

The family is now on its way to the Atlantic Coast via the Carolinas. And once they get there, they will move to Florida from Southwest by way of the Southeast and will eventually take the path along the Pacific Coast to Alaska. They are planning to reach their final destination by August 2010 where they will stay for another year only to return to Renfro Valley by 2012. Boy, now that’s the family adventure we all had be waiting for!

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