Sunday, August 30, 2009

Orb Bluetooth Headset - - If You're Sick of Old-Looking Bluethooth Device; Then Go for Ultra-Stylish Gadget

I don’t know about you guys, but I feel a bit of a tit walking round with a bluetooth headset on. Especially if I actually have to carry on a conversation on one, when I just spend the entire time feeling like the crazy cat lady from ‘The Simpsons’ (minus the cats, of course). I solved it somewhat when I got my new one, which is essentially wireless headphones, but then I realised I was back at square one because now I really do look like I’m carrying on a conversation with myself, whereas before I could just point at my lughole in way of explanation.

So if I can get an Orb I’ll be happy. Yes, still walking round talking to myself, but at least I’ll look a tad more stylish as I do. You see, the Orb transforms into a rather swish ring when not it use (no worry about loosing it in the bottom of your bag) and looks slinky and cool when you do actually twist it from circle to ergonomically designed wave and hook it onto your ear.

The Orb is due for release in January 2010, with deluxe and limited edition versions following in April of that year. They were developed through a partnership between Hybra Advance Technology Inc.. and AbsolutelyNew Inc. and are possibly the sexiest phone accessories I’ve seen in a long time.

As well as looking pretty swish, it’s a good bluetooth kit. It’s class two, meaning a range of thirty feet. The standard version is just the headset, while there’s also going to be the deluxe edition with a mini screen, giving you caller display, calendar reminders and voice to text information for communication without you having to remove your bling. Plus the limited edition version will be decorated with gemstone for those who like their gadgets to scream tacky… erm… classy. They’ll come in a range of ring sizes, so no need to worry about it falling off your finger (although if you have little fingers and big ears you might have issues!)

Only issue here is the price. The RRP is $129 for the standard one, and $175 for the deluxe one, with the limited edition versions price dependant upon decoration. Little bit out of my budget methinks…

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