Saturday, August 8, 2009


One of the virtues of mindmapping is that it has the capability to depict information in non-linear fashion.

Mindmapping has been taken to a new level with Personal Brain software from

This version of mindmapping is more than a mind map, as it is an information management tool that de-linearizes the process of storing and retrieving information. This type of interface would also be a great way to categorize and find trends.

What is especially cool is that these folks have created a web portal for users to upload their ‘brains’ for others to see.

Think of it as a next-generation on caffeine.

Touted as an information management tool, it is essentially mindmapping - its graphic interface and ability to “re-center” is pretty slick. What is “re-centering”? Typical mindmaps start with one idea in the middle and the ideas branch off. This starts the same way but then with a click, any one of your satellites can become your new center. I could see this really helping for brainstormings.

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