Friday, August 7, 2009


Marina Bychkova has been creating dolls since she was six years old. Now, she makes and sells her incredible figurines at Each one is as unique as the people they seem to represent.

The dolls are different from anything I’ve ever seen that at first, the porcelain and ball-jointed dolls are quite shocking to behold. I’m not sure how much a custom doll would be but, there is an order form with the different costs of each item. Body type. Skin color. Hair length. And oh yeah, hidden amongst the choices is body mutilation. $10 for a bite mark and $20 for open wounds.

My strong tendency for escapism has made the make belief narrative of fairy tales very appealing as a context for my dolls. What interests me most about fairy tales is the implicit and often explicit violence that lies just beneath the surface of the magic.

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