Thursday, August 6, 2009


For designers nothing’s impossible. It’s not any super power but their creativity and logic that say so! Same applies to Dutch architect Koen Olthuis from the firm Waterstudio who has developed the Citadel Floating Apartment Complex which is a 60 unit luxury structure. Floating? Yes, you heard it right because this building defies tides while cutting the energy use by 25 per cent for Waterstudio.

Still pretty much a concept, though an awe-inspiring one, the Citadel will consist of 60 luxury apartments as well as amenities like a parking garage, a floating roadway and boat docks. Olthuis even thought of adding a terrace garden and some greenhouses.

Just so you know, the Dutch are known for their encounters with fluctuating water levels. Let’s not forget that a large portion of Netherlands is below sea level. As a matter of fact, polders are continuously pumped free of the gathering rainwater that is a threat to homes and buildings. And the Citadel plays along with these scheme of things. It simply rises and falls with the changing water levels so that no flood, tides or sea water make any trouble for this structure!

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