Thursday, August 27, 2009

Eco-Friendly Partition - - Your Private Space Even in Crowded Office with Green Touch

Crowded office spaces with small cubicles for every employer just cannot be avoided what with shortages in space. In fact, they are only going to increase with the high number of budget cuts that companies are making. Some may say that this close working distance helps build closer relationships amongst employers, but not everyone would agree.

One thing that is quite annoying about the absence of full cubicles are the partitions that immediately spring up to offer individuals something resembling a private space. For the most part, these are annoying and sometimes they even tend to make you feel more claustrophobic than anything else because the feeling of sharing space with another is even higher. The Breathing Partition design will make you breathe a sigh of relief with its ultimate sleek design.

Designed by Jinsun Park and Seonkeun Park, the Breathing Partition intends to bring natures closer to the individuals in the workplace so as to offer a healthier and calmer work atmosphere. The partition has some lovely green growth (that’s plants, not algae) and also comes with a grassy patch for your feet to languor on.

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