Thursday, August 27, 2009

Altec Lansing Introduced two New Sound Systems: the iMT800 and the MX6021 - - Treat for Music Lovers

Music is the life juice of all that we do and some type of music has to be played on sound systems as awesome as the songs themselves. That’s why Altec Lansing has come out with two new sounds systems: the iMT800 and the MX6021.

The MX6021 is an old style speaker set that is simple yet chic, appearing almost to have a style of its own. Apparently, this beauty has been made from motorcycle parts and this would no doubt appeal to the biker souls who can hear rock and grunge music puring out of the set the moment they lay their eyes on it. The iMT800 takes its name from the fact that this has an iPod dock with a device stabilizer. The set has five inbuilt speakers, digital FM radio and remote.

Though both are beautiful, each sound system is made to appeal to different sets of people. The MX6021 is available at $150 and the iMT800 will cost you at double the price ($300). What a heavy price we have to pay for our love of music!

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