With the current economic situation, almost all households are thinking of ways to cut down their costs. These could include their daily budget for food and gas, costs for utilities, and other expenses. But aside from reducing all these, there is one effective way of saving money during this tough time, and that is to find a free home phone service. That’s right! Paying monthly phone bills is an added financial burden, and this is where the ooma Core VoIP Phone System comes in.
The Core VoIP Phone System from ooma includes both an ooma Hub and an ooma Scout, making it the perfect partner with your high-speed Internet and home phones minus the monthly fees. If before, you are paying a huge amount just to call friends and loved ones within and outside the US, now you don’t have to. This phone system allows you to make calls to any number in the US for free, and for a low-cost rate for international calls. This also includes features like caller-ID, voicemail, and call-waiting, so it’s just like using a traditional phone without the monthly phone bill.
Now, if you are interested in this product but want to keep your phone number, well no worries. For a one-time charge of $39.99, you can have that option so there’s no need for you to change number. And setup is very easy too. In less than 15 minutes, you’re up in dialing your friends’ and loved one’s numbers without the fuss.
So, what are you waiting for? Take advantage of the ooma Core VoIP Phone System with no Monthly Phone Service Bills now!
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