Friday, April 2, 2010

SmallTalk Mini Bluetooth Headset: The World's Smallest Headset - - Features a Standard Bluetooth Earphone and Mic

The SmallTalk Mini Bluetooth Headset is billed as the world’s smallest, and they’ve certainly managed to cram all your headsetty needs into a very small space. The thing features a standard Bluetooth earphone and mic, and comes with both car and USB charging kits. There’s even a small user’s manual. In operation it works as you’d expect, and although the sound was clear and the mic worked fine on a call, if you moved it too far away from the phone some crackle would quickly set in.

Funnily enough it ranks as one of the most comfortable headsets I’ve ever worn, including some top grade Jabra models, which I suspect is more down to its super light weight than anything else. The build quality though, is definitely a little suspect, with bits coming adrift on my test unit with alarming ease. Apart from that, and the slightly fiddly volume buttons, it’s actually not bad value for the retail price of £15.47.

Small and lightweight, the SmallTalk can be used with or without the included ear hook. The ear hook is removable so you can position the headset anywhere in your ear for maximum comfort. The headset also comes with a car charger and a USB cable so you can ensure that your headset is always charged up. Perfect if you have a heavy day of phone usage ahead of you.

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