Friday, September 4, 2009

"Original Sun Ancon Chi Machine" - - Combination of Effort-less Exercise And Mind-Body Harmony

The Chi Machine is the latest in a long line of exercise machines that claim to do all the work for you. The difference here, we think, is the combination of effortless exercise and mind-body harmony, hence ‘chi’ in the name.

Does it work? According to the makers, The Original Sun Ancon Chi Machine “oxygenates, tones, strengthens the body, increases feelings of energy, aliveness and well being, stimulates lymphatic system, exercises and balances spine.” All that from moving your legs back and forth? We’re skeptical, to say the least.

But let’s break that down. “Oxygenates” is defined by as “to treat, combine, or enrich with oxygen.” We’re pretty sure the body does that. Toning and strengthening may happen, but perhaps not at measurable levels. Increasing feelings of ‘aliveness’ is quite the claim, although most people would agree that movement makes you feel alive. Mentioning the lymphatic system sounds like some faux medical jargon, but it’s possible that the movement would exercise the spine.

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