Thursday, August 27, 2009

Nüviphone G60 - - 3-in-1 Gadget to Connect, Communicate and Navigate from Single Source

Connect. The quad-band GSM nüviphone G60 with 3.5G was designed for high speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) networks and supports WiFi for fast data connections. It features an advanced mobile HTML web browser so users can surf the web on their phone via Wi-Fi or 3G networks, and the information is presented similar to a PC browser.

Communicate. The nüviphone G60 includes Ciao! – a ground-breaking LBS application that helps users stay up to date on their friend’s whereabouts and status by linking location-centric social networks. Through Ciao!, nüviphone users will see their friends’ location on a map and then be able to navigate to that location with ease.

Navigate. Users will also enjoy the benefit of location-based services seamlessly integrated with nüviphone’s intuitive user interface and turn-by-turn navigation. Users can supplement the pre-loaded POI data with internet enabled local searches and automatically navigate around traffic congestion while seeing the estimated traffic delay along their route.

The nüviphone G60 also includes a built-in camera with auto-focus. The camera automatically geotags images with an exact latitude and longitude reference of where the image was taken. The nüviphone also provides direct access to millions of geo-located landmark and sightseeing photographs available through Google’s Panoramio picture sharing site. Other features includes optional QWERTY or A to Z soft keyboards, accelerometer, and all the navigational features of a Garmin nüvi GPS device.

The nüviphone G60 is on schedule for delivery in Europe and the United States in the second half of 2009. Additional details about pricing, availability, and carriers will be announced in the coming months. Meanwhile, you can visit for other Garmin Nüvi products.

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