Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Ever seen some great graffiti on a wall, and wondered to yourself what it would look like on a shoe? Well, wonder no longer, as Kustom Kicks lets you wear your art around town. The founder of Kustom Kicks, Joey Escobar, needed an outlet for his pent up aggression, and decided to paint walls with decorative, and highly artistic graffiti.

Although he gained many admirers, Joey decided to choose another canvas for his designs after the police convinced him that the sides of the highways and interstate roads were not the proper place for a creative outlet. Luckily for the public at large, he decided to turn his endeavors on creating specially made, one-of-a-kind pieces of art on different shoes.

I can safely say one-of-a-kind because Joey only does one style or design per shoe, and no two designs are alike. This helps ensure each rendition is a unique expression of color all on its own.

The underground buzz is that Joey Escobar is working on a pair of Kustom Kicksfor a well know celebrity. Personally, I would love to see a stylishly designed pair of shoes for either Britney Spears, or Ashley Tisdale. Even the Jonas Brothers could benefit from having some specially painted shoes done up just right for their next tour.

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